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Always keep backups: an 'unprecedented' Google Cloud de...

Thankfully, UniSuper kept backups for its backups.


If you've somehow not played Baldur's Gate 3 yet, our 2...

Whether you pay $60 or $51 for BG3, it's gonna be worth it.


Today's Wordle answer for Saturday, May 18

Wordle today: The solution and a hint for Saturday's puzzle.


New MultiVersus character is bad news for the guy who s...

A lot of fans couldn't believe the minor Adventure Time character really made th...


Fallout is coming to Fortnite

The Brotherhood of Steel arrives next week.


Doja Cat is extremely mad about Fortnite 'losers' who u...

The rapper and Fortnite fan has thoughts about the current state of the meta.


Jake Solomon's upcoming life sim will create a cast of ...

"We are pre-seeding the town with relationships" each time you start a new game,...


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